Books & Ideas

Recommended books by #MissDi, a teacher who loves to read to children.

Welcome to my page on recommended books for children of early years and adults, whether you are a parent, teachers, educator or just book lover! I'm #MissDi, and I'm passionate about helping teachers and parents inspire children to love reading.

As a teacher, I know that reading to children is one of the best things we can do for their early learning and development. It helps them build their vocabulary, develop their imagination, and learn about the world around them. Here, you'll find a carefully curated selection of books that are perfect for young readers. I've chosen books that are engaging, educational, and promote a love of literacy.

I hope you'll explore my recommendations and find new books to share with the children in your life. Reading to children is one of the best things you can do to help them develop a strong foundation in reading and learning.

Happy reading!